• N. V. Omelchenko Scientific Research Center “Independent Examination”
  • A. S. Brailko Scientific Research Center “Independent Examination”
  • N. V. Lysenko Poltava Scientific Research Forensic Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
Keywords: commodity evaluation, quality, research, defect, loss of quality, clothes, fur


Analysis of the practice of commodity assessment and examination of leather and fur products has revealed significant shortcomings, that indicate the lack of research and scientific reasoning of expert opinions. The commodity evaluation was carried out in order to establish the quality loss of the “Lattoni” fur coat which size was EU 42, that was in storage and was exposed to hot steam and water, and even excessive moisture. The expediency and efficiency of application of the developed methodical approaches to commodity estimation of quality loss of products made of skin and fur has been proved taking into account the influence of each kind of defect on quality of a product, depending on the area it occupies on each detail the location and size of the defect; the degree of manifestation, the impact of the defect on the appearance and performance of the product as a whole. It is proposed to express the quality loss of the examinated object caused by various defects due to the influence of causal factors using the coefficient of quality loss. The article presents the results of developed methodological approaches to commodity assessment of quality loss of leather and fur products, methods of determining quality loss of leather and fur products MNDNC-0004-01-17 during commodity assessment of quality loss of “Lattoni” fur coat, size EU 42, which was stored and exposed to hot steam and water, and even excessive moisture, taking into account the impact of each type of defect on the quality of the product, depending on the area it occupies on each part (part of the product). The change of dimensional features of the product due to the influence of causal factors of quality reduction of the studied sample and its comparison with the sample-analogue is determined. The existing defects, their size, location and influence on operational and aesthetic properties of the investigated sample and its quality as a whole are revealed. The influence of the detected defects on the consumer properties of the object of study has been clarified. The coefficient of physical wear, which was 0.79, was calculated. It was found that the loss of quality of the fur coat “Lattoni”, size EU 42, which was in storage and was affected by causal factors, in particular: hot steam and water, excessive moisture is 79%. The research results can be used in the practice of expert institutions: to form databases of storage defects; improvement or development of methodological approaches to commodity assessment of quality loss of leather and fur products; improving the effectiveness of research, objectivity and completeness of the formulated questions. Further research should be aimed at developing and improving methodological approaches to commodity assessment of the quality loss of leather and fur products.


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