• A. S. Tkachenko Poltava University of Economics and Trade
  • L. M. Guba Poltava University of Economics and Trade
Keywords: organic cookies, safety indicators, microbiological indicators, shelf life


The paper presents the results of studies of changes in the quality and safety of the developed organic cookies "Flori" and "Janet" during 4 months of storage in paper bags such as "sachet" at a temperature of (18±2)°C and relative humidity of 75%. Standard methods and techniques were used for the study. Organoleptic evaluation of the samples was performed on the basis of a 50-point score. Humidity was determined by drying to constant weight at 105°C. The peroxide number in the lipid fraction of cookies was studied by iodometric method. Microbiological studies were performed by calculating colonies that grow on solid nutrient medium after incubation at 30°C. The dynamics of organoleptic parameters is analyzed. It was found that the indicators "taste", "aftertaste" and "severity of the additive" underwent the greatest changes. The results of determining the peroxide number in the lipid base of cookies are presented. At the end of storage, the peroxide value in the control sample was 1.3 times higher than in the developed organic cookies "Flori" and 1.2 times higher than in the cookies "Janet". Melissa was used as an antioxidant in the developed cookie samples. The dynamics of humidity change in the developed samples is investigated. At the end of storage, the highest humidity was recorded in the Janet cookies – 8.5%, which also had the highest humidity at the beginning of storage. After 4 months of storage, the content of MAFAM in the test samples was less than the maximum allowable. The highest content of MAFAM – 3200 CFU / 1 g was observed in the control sample. The developed samples of organic cookies "Janet" and "Flori" had the same content of MAFAM at the end of storage – 3000 CFU / 1 g. Further research is planned to study the safety of organic cookies in different temperatures and packaging.


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