The coal industry remains one of the most traumatic in Ukraine. In an emergency, the respiratory system of workers and rescue team needs protection from the effects of toxic substances and dust, and thus, chemical oxygen self-contained self-rescuers are used. The mentioned devices have some downsides, one of which is the heating of the elements a self-contained self-rescuer (SCSR) and inhaled gas-dynamic mixture during operational use. To reduce temperature indicators, the scientists propose SCSRs involve a heat and moisture exchanger with a nozzle made of several layers of metal meshes or a tampon of tangled metal thin threads (“washcloth”) and branched perforated heat and gas spreaders, usually made of aluminum – a material that has high thermal conductivity. The purpose of the research is to produce M1 copper rods with a unique complex of physical and mathematical characteristics for improving the construction of chemical oxygen SCSRs. A combined deformation of M1 copper rods has resulted in a strong performance of mechanical characteristics with the preservation of thermal conductivity as in the initial (undeformed) state. The way of a combined plastic tensile deformation, including simultaneous rotation with a change of rotation direction to the opposite, is put forward. Based on test operations, the authors have chosen the most efficient scheme of deformation processing of copper rods. Being deformed under the scheme, M1 copper rods are proposed to be used when producing heat and gas spreaders and heat and moisture exchangers for improving the construction of chemical oxygen SCSRs. The authors are looking to focus further research in the relevant realm on elaborating the construction of heat and gas spreaders and heat and moisture exchangers of SCSRs using M1 copper rods deformed following the above scheme and to test the improved apparatuses in accredited laboratories.
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