The modern directions of fillers production from fruit and vegetable raw materials were analyzes in article. The fillers using prospects for the biscuit semi-finished products and cookies were determined. It was established that in most cases, traditional flour confectionery products have a low content of minerals, vitamins, dietary fiber. A perspective directs for biscuit semi-finished products technology is the adding to their formulation the components which rich in nutrients. One of the available ways for solving this problem is using fruit and vegetable raw materials as biologically active substances sources. The most promising raw materials for the confectionery enrichment are fruit and vegetable semi-finished products, in particular powders, due to the fact fresh raw materials are not available all the year. The developing of dry filler technology from pumpkin was proposed. The organoleptic and physicochemical characteristics of pumpkin varieties: Michurinsky, Mygdal 35, Cilyushchy, Vitaminny, Batternat, Zorka, Vesnianka, Altai, Gribovsky zymovy were studied. It was found the pumpkin variety Batternat contains the highest amount of beta-carotene and sugars. In order to obtain a filler from pumpkin, enriched with vitamins and dietary fiber, as well as to prevent oxidation of pumpkin BAS during technological processing, the modes of its pre-treatment were found. It has been determined that the keeping pumpkin pulp process should be carried out in 20% sugar syrup at temperature of 20°C for 1 hour. The resulting mass was subjected to pressing: pomace - sent for drying to a humidity of 8–10%. The rational drying method for pumpkin pulp was investigated: combined drying at 70°C, air velocity – 0.5 m/s, product layer thickness – 3–5 mm, which provides high quality product parameters and its insignificant changes during storage. Organoleptic and physicochemical parameters of the obtained powders were determined. This technology allows to receive a dry pumpkin filler with a high content of sugars, β-carotene and dietary fiber, which can be used as a semi-finished product in the biscuits and cookies.
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