The article highlights the negative consequences of polymer waste pollution to the environment, the oceans, wildlife. This is an important environmental problem because they are not biodegradable and therefore accumulate in huge quantities. The aim of the article is to study environmental problems in the field of management and recycling of polymer waste in the world and in Ukraine. The study found that the world produces about 300 million tons of plastic a year. Up to 12 million tons of plastic are found in the world’s oceans every year. More than 600 species of marine animals and birds suffer from plastic pollution. The garbage patch in the world’s oceans is estimated by various researchers to cover an area from 700,000 till 15 million km2. The main legislative documents of the EU and Ukraine on limiting production of polymer products and utilization of waste generated from them are analyzed. It is established that about 130 countries of the world have already developed legislative documents restricting the use of disposable plastic on their territory. In 2017 Ukraine has approved a National Waste Management Strategy until 2030, according to which the level of municipal waste disposal should be reduced from 94% to 35% (in the EU – 10%). In Ukraine today only 3% of the generated household waste is recycled. The experience of leading world and Ukrainian companies in the implementation of innovative methods of recycling polymer waste is shown. To solve these problems, humanity must move to a reduced conscious consumption of plastic products, reuse and recycle waste from them according to environmental standards. It is possible to significantly influence the situation through legislative changes and their strict observance, which will make the production and use of plastic unprofitable for companies and will encourage them to switch to biodegradable analogues.
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