The article analyzes the state of introduction of information and communication technologies during the organization of learning in higher professional education institutions using modern electronic components. The article reveals the relevance of use of computer learning technologies and relevant information and communication technologies, important responsibilities of each member of society – the ability to apply scientific and information technologies in solving problems in their professional activities, the requirements for professional training and development in terms of society informatization, providing training for highly qualified specialists. The advantages and disadvantages of one particular platform of distance (remote) learning as well as the possibility of using information and communication technologies are considered, electronic learning platforms, the choice of means of maintenance of information and communication technologies in institutions of higher professional education, reasonable choice of current technologies of information support and communication during the use of electronic forms of specialists training and studying the state of introduction of information and communication technologies in the process of training in institutions of higher professional education, elucidation of its essence, relations between its separate manifestations, content of the part of the received formal decisions, development of synthetic, figurative thinking along with logical, analytical, abstraction from technical details of the analysis of models of the investigated phenomenon, problem statement, hypotheses, development of information models of the studied processes and phenomena, material interpretation of the results obtained with the help of a computer. It is shown which technical means of information and communication systems and technologies in the process of e-learning are considered the most effective in the transition to learning using computer-based technologies with a rational combination of new and traditional teaching aids, which is a complicated task which requires decision making on a whole range of psychological, pedagogical, organizational, educational, methodological, logistical and other issues.
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