The corrosion process not only causes high expenses due to the need to recycle or replace products, but can significantly shake the market position of manufacturers. Companies every year underreceipt billions of dollars from their business – solely due to corrosion. The use of modified polymer films with atmospheric corrosion inhibitors makes it possible to change the course of the corrosion process during the period of operation in the direction of deceleration. The theoretical and practical aspects of anticorrosive materials application are considered in the article. The classification of polymer films used both as packaging material and for corrosion protection is considered. The initial operational characteristics of such modified polymeric materials and possible directions of their change according to the customers needs are given. Features of application of corrosion inhibitors at development and use in a mix of protection polymeric materials are shown. The interaction of inhibitors with the polymer matrix-base and other components, primarily plasticizers, in order to obtain anti-corrosion material for protection during transportation and storage is determined. The influence of the constituent components of polymer compositions on the service life and the possibility of their long-term use is revealed. It is determined that the minimum amount of inhibitor introduced into the polymer should be selected by calculation and experiment, taking into account the conditions of formation of the minimum allowable concentration of volatile vapors in a closed volume with metalware and the prolongation of action and migration of components from the polymer matrix. The maximum amount of corrosion inhibitor that is introduced into the polymer is chosen experimentally, taking into account the conditions of the film creation and the intensity of the process of the inhibitor transition to the gaseous state.
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