The article examines the problems of technical protection of information and ways to solve them, special attention is paid to the mechanisms of implementation of the stamp of restriction of access. It is substantiated that modern information security requires constant improvement of the system in accordance with the increased risk of information leakage. The process of leakage is described and it is emphasized that it is continuous and consists in the implementation of modern methods and ways to improve the system of information protection, constant monitoring, identification of its weaknesses and potential channels of information leakage. The list of methods which underlie effective technical protection of information space of today is offered. It is noted that the solution of electronic information protection problems is based mainly on the use of cryptographic methods, while modern methods of cryptographic transformations preserve the initial performance of the automated system, which is important in the face of constant influence. It is emphasized that the main property of ensuring the confidentiality of messages is the confidentiality of information, it allows to abstract from other properties. The technical complex “Griff”, which is designed to protect classified information, is described in detail. Functionalities are indicated, which consist of ensuring the impossibility of uncontrolled and unauthorized access, copying and restoring information, modifying and deleting information; providing access to information only under the condition of reliable identification of users and taking into account the powers granted in accordance with official necessity; registration of user actions and registration of attempts to violate the established procedure for access to information, including blocking access to information in case of detection of such attempts, as well as the possibility of control over access to information by authorized persons. The scheme of interaction of modules of a technical complex with separation of information streams is formed.
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