The article considers the role of robots for servicing use in the restaurant business. The factor of using robots in the industry is to reduce human activity and increase labor productivity; this issue is especially relevant in today's reality in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. In this industry, a robot is seen as an electromechanical machine that co-works with a computer to perform various functions. The production sphere of a restaurant enterprise in the context of functioning of a flexible automated system is described. The issues of methodology of formalization of production conditions description with the use of robotic systems where tools and objects of labor interact, which are accompanied by the transformation of objects of labor, which have a multifactorial character, are considered. Herewith, the set of changes and connections as a holistic system of transformations of raw materials, energy and information as well as the relationships among them, which are abstract reflections of such a set, is studied. The five levels of hierarchy of a formalized process description are selected. These relationships are characterized by graph-records. The top of the graph indicates the conversion ratio and the edges – the relationship ratio. The considered formalized description allows to model the conduct of the technological process using a robotic complex for a diverse equipment and technology that can be used. On this basis, the most efficient production process is selected, based on the most important criterion of optimality. Moreover, the degree of detailing of the production process is taken into account. The potential of professional service robotics, which is able to work side-by-side with a human in the restaurant business, is indicated. It is substantiated that robots in restaurants makes the food industry safer, more personalized and more efficient.
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