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small business

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HurmanО. M. (2020). GENDER ASPECTS OF LEADERSHIP IN SMALL ENTREPRENEURSHIP OF UKRAINE. Entrepreneurship and Trade, (26), 18-24.


The article is devoted to an analytical review of ways to harmonize gender processes. It is substantiated that the development of small business plays a significant role in saturating the market with consumer goods and services of daily demand, is the main sector of the market economy, forms the basis of small-scale production, and determines the pace of economic development, structure and quality of gross domestic product. It is proved that entrepreneurship provides opportunities for organizational and creative abilities, development and implementation of innovations, increasing the competitiveness of Ukrainian goods and services, as it is closely related to all spheres of society and acts as the most accurate indicator of economic and social development. The research focuses on the problems of women’s entrepreneurship in Ukraine. Women’s small business is characterized by the author as a relatively new phenomenon for the Ukrainian economy. The study of women’s issues was conducted in the context of trends in entrepreneurship, taking into account the gender approach. It is argued that the development of the economy is provided by real economic actors with their behavioral strategies, motives, values, cultural norms, and the departure from the “asexual economy” can be closer to a more adequate reflection of real social processes. Thus, the article presents statistical indicators that show the dynamic integration of women in the field of small business and determining the place of Ukraine in terms of gender gap among 153 countries. The gender ratio of sole proprietors in retail trade in Ukraine is analyzed, regional differences on the share of women and men in small business are presented. Indicators characterizing the real state of development of women’s small business in Khmelnytskyі region are demonstrated and strategic tasks for its further development are offered. As women make up more than half of the population in Ukraine, helping them to develop their businesses and grow their businesses will contribute to a more competitive economy and will be an important factor in increasing the involvement of women in socio-political affairs.
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