The article identifies the need to form and implement a mechanism of strategic management of the enterprise due to its operation in changing environmental conditions with its dynamic changes due to the exacerbation of quarantine restrictions associated with the fight against COVID-19. Functional-semantic analysis of such categories as mechanism, economic mechanism, organizational mechanism, economic mechanism, organizational-economic mechanism, strategic management mechanism, organizational-economic management mechanism is given. Specific features between economic, economic and organizational-economic mechanisms are given. It is established that the economic mechanism is an important structural component of the general economic mechanism and “works” on the basis of the use of economic levers, using which the subject of management has a direct impact on the object of management. It is determined that the organization by its properties is not a function of management, and the economic mechanism is characterized by a broader and more meaningful content than management. The main role in management belongs to the economic mechanism, because it has a direct impact on the formation and functioning of structural elements of the organizational mechanism. It was found that these concepts are based on a systems approach, which assumes that any system is a set of interconnected elements, has input, output and connections with the external environment and an integrated approach that involves a comprehensive coverage of all spheres and levels of functioning of economic activity of the enterprise. The author’s definition of organizational and economic mechanism of strategic management of the enterprise is offered, the essence of which is as follows: it is to ensure integrated use of economic laws, methodological approaches and management principles, which in practice are implemented by improving organizational management structures. In turn, with the help of methods and levers of the mechanism is achieved harmonization of decision-making with economic laws, methodological approaches and management principles.
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