The article considers an important problem of preserving and strengthening the health of the population. An analysis of the legislation on food security regulation, which confirms that the conceptually unspecified results of food security as an object of regulation, are not provided at a sufficient level by methodological approaches for its effective renewal. Factors of food security and quality nutrition have been identified. The planes of providing efficient food supply lines and reducing their losses during storage and food waste generation are considered. The directions of providing practical ways of health preservation for revealing the essence of "health" are worked out. There are six main types of essential elements of health. The requirement of the sustainable development paradigm of agri-food production according to the system of priorities that meet the economic interests of economic entities in combination with their environmental and social responsibility is shown. The role of FAO and WHO in the development and implementation of international programs aimed at stabilizing the nutrition system and ensuring the nutritional status of the population of Ukraine has been studied. The levels of consumption of certain food products in relation to rational norms, % of a number of products, incl. dairy (52.7%), meat and meat products including offal and raw fat (66.7%), bread products (in terms of flour; cereals, rice, legumes) (96.8%), eggs, pcs (97.1%). The population of Ukraine consumes more than the norm of vegetables and melons (including potatoes) (187%), insufficient amount of fresh fruits, berries and grapes (without processing into wine) – (65.2%). in accordance with the norms of healthy nutrition recommended by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Negative trends in food security in recent years have been noted due to: nutrition imbalance; reduction of the size of own production of separate products, consumption of a considerable quantity of products below optimum norms, deterioration of quality of food, economic inaccessibility of food because of the general low level of the income of the population. The highest differentiation of the living standard of the population by social groups is shown, the increase of imports by almost all food groups, which leads to the restraint of the formation of the domestic producer. At the same time, the overall positive outlook for food security and nutrition is expected to deteriorate due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Development of composition and technology of new functional foods – koumiss, thane, ayran, A. V. Solovieva, Y. A. Zhukova, L. S. Strelnikov, O. S. Kalyuzhnaya (2016), Topical issues of new drugs development: International Scientific And Practical Conference Of Young Scientists And Student, 21 april, Publishing Office NUPh, Kh., pp. 373–374.
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Available at: http://search.ligazakon.ua/l_doc2.nsf/link1/JH6YF00A.html28.
Available at: http://www.ipes-food.org/reports.
Available at: http://www.fao.org/fcit/fcit-home/en/.
Available at: http://www.cityregionfoodsystems.org.