The article examines current issues related to the organization of the manager’s work and managerial decisions. The purpose of the article is to determine the main directions of the organization of the manager’s work in public organizations in the field of nature protection. Confirmation of the urgency of this issue is the significant interest of the scientific community. In the course of the research it was determined that the functioning of a public organization largely depends on the organization of management, both its own work and all management processes. It was found that an important prerequisite for the development of public organization is the adoption of timely, sound and effective decisions. It is proved that the specifics of the functioning of a public organization determine the collegial nature of decision-making. It was found that the planning of various security projects plays an important role in the management process. It is argued that the success of many managerial processes depends on how planned and organized the work of the manager is. It is determined that the modern realities of the functioning of the public organization are related to the dynamics of change, the emergence of innovations in the field, strengthening the requirements of society. It is proved that in such conditions the burden on the manager only increases, so the organization of his work is often inefficient and requires the application of new approaches. The main stages of the process of managerial decisions making in a public organization are proposed. It is concluded that both internal and external consulting of certain areas of activity and projects helps to increase the efficiency of the process of organizing the work of the manager and his decision-making in the public organization. Further research may be aimed at forming an effective mechanism for managing the development of public organizations in the field of nature protection.
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