The article considers the essence of digital workspace as a component of the modern labor market. It is established that as a result of globalization processes in economic systems digital technologies, automated control systems, remote (remote) work, development of knowledge economy and information society come to the fore. The article considers that 2020 brought significant changes in the organization of labor, in the system of human professional activity, in approaches to understanding personal development, resulting in the search for ways to adapt people to the so-called new reality. It has been found that the concept of digital workspace is quite new in scientific circulation and at the same time quite common. There is no single definition of this definition, but it does not prevent companies and organizations from using it to build strategies for development and operation. It is established that the digital workspace can be understood as a certain integrated formation, which includes digital processes, means of digital interaction, information resources, digital infrastructure and other concepts that are characteristic of digitalization in general. The article states that the Concept of Development of the Digital Economy and Society of Ukraine defines a digital workplace as a virtual equivalent of a physical workplace that requires proper organization, use and management, as it should guarantee increased efficiency and more favorable working conditions. It is concluded that in the current conditions the role of man in production processes is changing, the need for creative staff is growing, creativity, sociability; non-standard thinking, adaptability, etc. are becoming important features of the workforce. And it is the intensive development of digitalization, global trends (including the coronavirus pandemic COVID-19), the accelerated development of digital space and the transition to digital jobs is the cause and consequence of the implementation of new qualitative features of modern man in the labor market.
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