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identification marks
individual vehicles

How to Cite

Nikolaichuk, L. G., & Bobuska-Dierd, K. V. (2020). QUALITY REQUIREMENTS FOR TECHNICAL PARAMETERS AND SIGNS OF IDENTIFICATION OF INDIVIDUAL VEHICLES. Entrepreneurship and Trade, (26), 68-75. https://doi.org/10.36477/2522-1256-2020-26-10


One of the most important branches of social production is road transport, which is designed to meet the needs of the population, the development of civilization and production in general. The development and improvement of transport is carried out in accordance with the national program, taking into account its priority, on the basis of scientific and technological progress and is provided by the state. Therefore, the issue of legislative regulation of free circulation of cars is quite relevant. Laws, codes (statutes) of certain types of transport and other acts of legislation of Ukraine regulate relations of the transport activities. The peculiarities of commodity properties and quality assessment of cars are considered in the work. With the current high pace of scientific and technological progress, the range of vehicles has become more dynamic and complex. All this requires a comprehensive analysis of the properties, range, study and forecasting trends in its development, which confirms the relevance of our topic chosen. According to the current regulatory framework, the technical condition of the vehicle or unit is determined by a set of variable properties, which are defined by indicators of design parameters. When determining the technical condition of the cars, diagnostic parameters are used, which are combined with design parameters and demonstrate certain information about them. It is very important to identify the car, which is to determine the type, model, version of the vehicle, namely: its year of manufacture, completeness, equipment, gross weight, engine capacity, etc.; all the data are noted by the manufacturer of the car. The paper reveals the issues outlining promising areas of development, namely: the creation of products with fundamentally new consumer properties on the basis of improved technical principles, which provides consumers with convenience when buying cars; creating conditions for greater competitiveness in the vehicle market.

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