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The article deals with issues regarding new smoking devices – electronic cigarettes. Submitted information about smoking issues, including hookah. Hookah smoke, like the smoke of other tobacco products, contains toxic substances that cause lung cancer and other cancers, cardiovascular, respiratory and other diseases. The health risk of hookah may even be greater due to some hookah-specific features. When smoking a hookah, the tobacco mixture is heated by burning coal that is put on the tobacco mixture. Therefore, hookah smokers (and those who are nearby) are forced to inhale not only the combustion products of the tobacco mixture, but also the combustion products of coal, primarily carbon monoxide. Not only carbon monoxide but many carcinogens, such as benzo (a) pyrene and polyaromatic hydrocarbons, as well as heavy metals such as lead, cobalt and nickel, are produced by burning coal in the hookah, resulting in dangerous concentrations of these harmful substances in the air. WHO believes that Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ESDN) are now in the making and therefore have threats and prospects for tobacco control. The danger is that most such electronic systems have not been tested by independent scientists. Many electronic cigarettes contain nicotine, which adversely affects many biological processes in the human body. Their filling containers contain a concentrated amount of flavors that potentially indicate their cytotoxicity, that is, the ability to destroy the body's cells. ESDN, an alternative to traditional tobacco products, has become widespread in the world market and differs from traditional cigarettes by the formation of fine aerosol in the absence of the combustion process. There is no definition of electronic cigarette in Ukrainian legislation. They are sold as flash drives. This means that nobody knows or regulates the content of electronic nicotine delivery systems in our country. Classified new products as a separate category of products ESDN, identified the main groups of consumer products in this category. The general characteristics of liquid samples for ESDN filling as a viscous, weakly fluid liquid of different colors based on high-atomic alcohols – glycerol (propane-1,2,3-triol, food additive E422) and propylene glycol (propane-1,2-diol, food additives E1520), water, flavoring, with nicotine / without nicotine (depending on the sample), the density of the solution is not less than 1.2 mg/ml, the hydrogen pH is 4.5-7.5. As a result of the researches it is established: – absence of carbon monoxide in the gas phase of single use ESDN aerosol – quantitative transition of nicotine from liquid to aerosol is insignificant. The absence of carbon monoxide aerosol was detected in the gas phase, which is a confirmation of the absence of the combustion process when consuming ESDN.
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