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lifelong development
enterprise competitiveness
personnel competitiveness
human resources

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The actual problem of forming the personnel of enterprises’ competitiveness as a component of increasing the efficiency of management was considered in the article, which is explained by the decisive role of human resources among other factors of production, as well as by the peculiarities of the functioning of the knowledge economy. The approaches of modern scientists to the category of personnel competitiveness are analyzed, its characteristics are determined, such as the level of knowledge, skills, abilities; the ability of employees to realize a combination of personal, professional and business qualities and meet the requirements of employers; the duality of the nature of the term, which includes both the effectiveness and efficiency of employees, and the costs necessary to restore the physical and psychological strength of staff. The list of factors of the formation of personnel competitiveness has been systematized, at the meta-, macro-, meso- and individual levels. The competitive advantages of personnel and the sources of their formation, both exogenous and endogenous, are considered. The properties of the competitive advantages of personnel are indicated, such as comparative and relative nature, dynamism, duality of nature, attachment to specific conditions of functioning. The criterias of achievement of a competitive advantage by the personnel of the enterprise are considered such as value, rarity, uniqueness and irreplaceability. The components of the competitiveness of an employee are detailed; the determining influence of the personnel management system on the formation of his ability to compete is indicated. Attention is focused on the need to develop emotional intelligence, critical and creative thinking of an employee, in the process of lifelong learning, as mandatory components of his ability to compete. The directions of increasing the competitiveness of personnel are substantiated as a prerequisite for increasing the human potential of the country and the region. It is concluded that increasing the competitiveness of personnel is interconnected with the development of the competitiveness of the country, industry, region and the competitiveness of an enterprise in particular, which is the reason for the proposed list of measures to improve it. In further research, it is necessary to focus on the development of social capital as a factor in increasing the competitiveness of staff.
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