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quality management
quality management system
product quality

How to Cite

Lozova, T. (2023). MODERN ASPECTS OF GOODS QUALITY MANAGEMENT. Entrepreneurship and Trade, (35), 30-38.


The article presents the results of scientific research on modern aspects of quality management (QM) of goods at enterprises. Research reveals whether the company's stated orientation to quality is useful for differentiating its activities. Quality management has recently received a lot of attention. The research article explains the high productivity of the enterprise by the implementation of quality management practices. This practice involves the influence of quality management methods on the efficiency of the enterprise, which is carried out with the expansion and improvement of the theory in this direction. This article presents an analytical study that serves two purposes. First, the article formalizes the implications of implementing quality management practices for performance and constitutes a hypothesis about the relationship between quality management practices and performance. Second, the analysis examines which QM practices are positively associated with improved performance. The results support many of the hypothesized relationships and also indicate the presence of different factors in almost all QM practice-performance relationships. A discussion of the obtained results is presented and directions for the further development of the QM theory are proposed. The use of the principles of quality management, comprehensive quality management, as well as the implementation and certification of quality management systems in the work of enterprises raises the organization to a qualitatively new level of modern management, which opens up new markets and opportunities for it. In the conditions of the market economy, all enterprises face similar tasks: obtaining maximum and long-term profit, sustainable development, ensuring an advantage over competitors. It is shown that the practical significance of studying issues related to the creation, implementation and certification of quality management systems is that it, as a set of organizational structure, procedures, processes and resources necessary for the implementation of overall quality management, is a tool for self-preservation of any enterprise in conditions of unstable external environment, the key to competitiveness both on foreign and domestic markets. Features of the development and implementation of the QMS of trade enterprises in the context of the application of approaches of international standards are determined by the specifics of products and services, the determination of the needs of interested parties, the assessment of risks and opportunities of the company. Special attention should be focused on the implementation of expert assessment of business processes as a means of improving the QMS of enterprises in the field of trade and services.
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Anggastya Diah Andita H. P., Gusti Bagus Baskara Nugraha. A Blockchain-based Traceability System to Achieve the Quality Objectives in the Production Process of A Manufacturing Industry. 2022 International Conference on Information Technology Systems and Innovation (ICITSI). 14 December 2022. DOI:

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Gangu Naidu Mandala, Subhash Kumar Verma, Navaneetha Krishnan Rajagopal, S. Saran. Risk Assessment Model for Quality Management System, IEEE 2nd Mysore Sub Section International Conference (MysuruCon), 16-17 October 2022. DOI:

Anggastya Diah Andita H. P., Gusti Bagus Baskara Nugraha. A Blockchain-based Traceability System to Achieve the Quality Objectives in the Production Process of A Manufacturing Industry, 2022 International Conference on Information Technology Systems and Innovation (ICITSI), 14 December 2022. DOI: DOI:

Kambarov J., Ismailov N. (2022), “Issues of the Impact of Production Risk Management on Industry Development”, Social Science Journal, vol. 13 (1), pp. 619-626.

Maríano García-Fernández, Enrique Claver-Cortés, Juan José Tarí (2022), “Relationships between quality management, innovation and performance: A literature systematic review”, European Research on Management and Business Economics?, vol. 28 (1), rpp 135-141.

Jing Zeng, Wenqing Zhang, Yoshiki Matsui, Xiande Zhao (2021), “The impact of organizational context on hard and soft quality management and innovation performance”, International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 185, rr. 240-251.

Peter O'Neill, Amrik Sohal, Chih Wei Teng (2016), “Quality management approaches and their impact on firms׳ financial performance – An Australian study”, International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 171, rart 3, pp. 381-393.

Anand Nair (2006), “Meta-analysis of the relationship between quality management practices and firm performance ‒ implications for quality management theory development”, Journal of Operations Management, vol. 24 (6), pp. 948-975.

Mohammed Yusr, M., Mohd Mokhtar, S.S., Rahim Othman, A. (2013), “Examining the relationship among TQM, organizational learning and innovation performance(Article)”, World Applied Sciences Journal, vol. 23 (23), pp. 22-26.

Mangiarotti, G., Riillo, C.A.F. (2019), “Standards and innovation in manufacturing and services: The case of ISO 9000,” International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, vol. 31 (4), pp. 435-454.

Lee D. H., Park B. (2016), “Impact of manufacturing systems on quality management practices, competitive advantages, and operational performance”, International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, vol. 19 (3), pp. 301-318.

Scott Leavengood, Timothy R. Anderson, Tugrul U. Daim (2012), “Exploring linkage of quality management to innovation”, Engineering and Technology Management, vol. 25 (9-10), pp. 511-524.