The article studies the theoretical and practical experience of organizing accounting and reporting in Germany, which has a significant impact on the development of the continental accounting system and accounting in Ukraine in the period of convergence of accounting standards. Based on the target orientation of accounting, the author identifies the components of accounting in German enterprises, which are focused not only on the formation of reporting in accordance with national accounting standards for the State, investors, and creditors, but also on strengthening its management functions by organizing controlling for making management decisions. The author identifies the main accounting regulators in Germany which are delegated by the State to establish accounting rules, develop and amend accounting and reporting standards in accordance with the requirements of modernity. To reveal the conceptual framework of accounting in Germany, the author analyzes the national principles of accounting and financial reporting (Grundsätzen ordnungsgemäßer Buchführung - GoB) aimed at generating unbiased accounting information and its disclosure. In this regard, the article examines the structure of the balance sheet of German enterprises and identifies the types of information to be disclosed in the primary form of financial statements. The focus is made on the possibility of using a variable approach to the preparation of the income statement in Germany, choosing the general cost method (Gesamtkostenverfahren) or the direct cost method (Umsatzkostenverfahren). The issue of taxation is important for all states, so the essence of the corporate tax (Körperschaftssteuer) and the Solidaritätszuschlag (tax to finance reconstruction in East Germany) is revealed. The article analyzes the structure of the Chart of Accounts for German enterprises, which is based on an integrated approach and, in the context of digitalization, may have an expanded list of analytical accounts in accordance with the information needs of the management system. The analysis and comparison of scientific views made it possible to develop a reference model for organizing accounting and reporting in German enterprises, taking into account the national characteristics of the State, the requirements of accounting regulators, as well as the provisions of the Commercial (Commercial) Code (Handelsgesetzbuch, HGB).
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