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creative tourism
tourist destination

How to Cite

Myronov, Y., & Svydruk, I. (2023). THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF THE CREATIVE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT. Entrepreneurship and Trade, (36), 19-24.


The article is devoted to an overview of the creative tourism idea through creative activities (art, music, photography, cooking, etc.) and substantiation of the prerequisites for the creative tourism development. The essence of creativity and its peculiarities in the tourism sphere are defined. The best definition is the following: creative tourism is a journey aimed at gaining an engaging and authentic experience, with shared learning in the field of art, heritage or the special character of a space, and it provides a connection with those who live in the place and create this living culture. A review of the creative tourism features has shown that creative tourism is gaining popularity due to its educational and cultural aspects. It was found that creative tourism in Ukraine is in its infancy, but the fact is that the national cultural heritage is rich, it is developing rapidly and has bright examples: Lviv Chocolate Workshop, the Museum Workshop in Terebovlia, pottery and modeling clubs, galleries and museums, culinary establishments with master classes etc. The elements of institutional support for the creative tourism development in Ukraine are reviewed and it is noted that the government provides funding for projects to develop tourism infrastructure and create new attractions. It is substantiated that for the further creative tourism development in Ukraine it is necessary to solve a number of problems, the main of which are as follows: lack of awareness of Ukrainians about creative tourism; lack of additional investment in infrastructure and marketing campaigns that will promote the development of domestic creative tourism. Further research should focus on the problems of improving the theoretical and methodological support for the mechanisms of creative tourism development, its institutional support, designing new destinations and developing new tourist routes, their economic justification, and developing and implementing practical recommendations for the creative tourism development in Ukraine.
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