The article examines issues of developing a strategy for improving the personnel management system. Measures to increase the effectiveness of the motivation of the company's personnel are proposed. It is noted that today there are three main principles of an effective enterprise management system: effective recruitment of new personnel; staff development and training; staff motivation. Attention is focused on the fact that the modern trend of personnel training in leading companies is the creation of a system of continuous training of specialists and workers so that personnel can easily adapt to new technologies and new forms of work organization. This is why it is necessary to create special conditions for employees, in which everyone has the opportunity to develop as much as possible. The categories of material and non-material stimulation are considered. The authors substantiated the thesis that in order to maintain a certain level of effectiveness of the personnel management system, the company should use several innovative techniques, in particular: systematically check the existing personnel management system for compliance with the set goals; involved employees from the business support department in the development and periodic review of the company's strategic goals and in the development and analysis of the enterprise management system, etc. The structure of the motivational mechanism is developed, directions for its improvement are proposed. Emphasis is placed on the fact that during the formation of the staff motivation system, it is necessary to increase the staff's interest in personal results; agree with the staff on ways to achieve the company's goals and tasks by improving the individual abilities of each employee; provide an opportunity to increase the level of professionalism and increase the productivity of employees; support innovative ideas and actions of employees. Systematized and summarized the priority types of material and non-material stimulation of employees. In order to increase the motivation of the personnel, the limited liability company «Lifecell» is proposed to implement the following measures: additional payments for high indicators at work; premiums for absence of sick leave, payment of subscriptions to the gym; cash payments for birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, in emergency situations (death of loved ones, robbery); compensation of employee expenses for travel to the enterprise or organization of official transport, etc.
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