The study reveals the actual and urgent issues of formation and implementation of the national economic interests of Ukraine in terms of the principles of managerial diagnosis of the country's economic security in the conditions of the information economy. The author's definition of national economic interests, diagnostics of the country's managerial security from the standpoint of a new stage of post-war reconstruction of the economy is given. The key principles of management diagnosis of the country's economic security in the conditions of the information economy are substantiated: maintaining a balance of interests in the areas and areas of conducting research, which will result in high efficiency; the presence of consensus in the priorities of evaluations, the sequence of research implementation procedures among researchers (experts or groups of experts); quality and independence of information; compliance with the rules of information culture; compliance with information security rules and standards; information progress and movement towards the best standards of the information economy in matters of involving targeted programs and information processing products; taking into account the variability of the external environment; taking into account the ultimate goal - the harmonious development of relations in the "business-population-government" paradigm; social partnership and social responsibility. The author's opinion is the visible unity of management processes and procedures for working out the priorities of national economic interests and analytical support for the diagnosis of macroeconomic and mesoeconomic processes in the country, taking into account risk zones, the security of stabilization of the economy and the social sector. The direct dependence in the successful implementation of national economic interests and economic security is outlined. At the same time, the formation of the economic security of the state is a national interest, since the security and realization of the primary needs of the individual, society and the state is a necessary prerequisite for the country's effectiveness, without which it is impossible to achieve secondary goals. The urgent need for the development of a national concept and strategy for the realization of the national economic interests of Ukraine in the position of accelerated reproduction of the economic complex was identified.
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