The article is devoted to the research of the current state, features, and prospects for the development of the national freight transportation market in the conditions of a full-scale russian invasion into the territory of Ukraine. The relevance of the research is due to the need to ensure the stable functioning and development of the transport and logistics industry in the context of overcoming the crisis of the Ukrainian economy, caused by the war. The aim of the research is to determine the key features, main problems, and prospects for the further development of the Ukrainian freight market, as well as the development of practical recommendations for improving the provision of freight transportation services in Ukraine. The research is based on the use of such methods: analysis, synthesis, abstraction and concretization, induction and deduction, generalization, comparison and comparison, dialectical method, combination of historical and logical, etc. The analysis of the general state of the freight transportation market before and after the start of the full-scale russian invasion into Ukraine was carried out. Positive and negative trends in its development have been identified. The key problems and challenges faced by the representatives of the sector are identified. According to the results of the conducted research, the main changes that occurred in the field of freight transportation in a wartime, are described. The dynamics of freight transportation is characterized in the framework of road, rail, sea and air transport sectors. The main factors affecting the functioning of the researched industry in wartime conditions are examined. The key features of national and international freight transportation are determined. A review of the measures and initiatives implemented by the Ukrainian government to support international freight transportation is carried out. A range of proposals are formed to improve the provision of freight transportation services in Ukraine in the short and long term. The practical value of the proposed measures is determined, as well as the necessary actions of the state and the private sector to implement the relevant projects.
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