The article examines competitive advantages as one of the criteria for transforming the competitive potential of tourism industry entities. A review of the literature on the research of the criteria for the transformation of the competitive potential of the subjects of the tourism industry was conducted. The entire article consists in the study of the evolution of views of competitive advantages as one of the criteria for the transformation of the competitive potential of of the tourist industry subjects. As a result of the conducted research, a conclusion was made about the dominance of the approach to considering the competitive advantages of the tourism industry with their division into internal and external. The structural components of the potential opportunities (capabilities) of the subjects of the tourism industry were characterized, namely the ability to effectively use the potential of the territory; the ability to produce a competitive product; the ability of the subject of the tourism industry to meet the needs of the market. The elements of the tourist infrastructure were highlighted: collective means of accommodation (hotels, camping sites, health facilities, health resorts, motels, camping sites, recreation facilities, etc.); catering establishments (cafes, bars, restaurants); transport and communication network enterprises; enterprises of the trade network. It was established that the basis of the transformed competitive potential is a fundamentally new concept-system of the tourism industry, which is built on a deep transition from one state of development of the tourism industry to a radically different one, which is characterized by certification and standardization of the quality of tourist products/services in accordance with national and international standards; the development of anti-crisis programs for the development of the tourism industry, taking into account the state of war in the country and in the post-war period; the formation of a developed competitive environment of the subjects of the tourism industry; compliance with the code of rules in the provision of tourist services; the development of new types of tourism in the post-war period; the development of the tourist industry in accordance with market needs (formation of a new "package" of tourist services in the post-war period); formation of tourist attractiveness as a "calling card" of the destination.
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