The article examines the main state grant programs for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the conditions of war in Ukraine. The main opportunities for starting one's own business and prospects for the development of already existing business for processing enterprises, horticulture, and greenhouse farming in wartime conditions are outlined. It is considered under what conditions and in what amount business entities can receive non-refundable grant resources for starting their own business, or developing an already operating business with the possibility of directing funds to: purchase of equipment, furniture, purchase of licensed software, domestic animals and poultry, perennial plantations, seedlings, seed material, raw materials, materials, goods and services related to the implementation of the business plan, equipment leasing, marketing and advertising services, non-residential premises and equipment rental. Grant opportunities for enterprises in the processing industry for the purchase of equipment for business activities, its delivery and commissioning have been demonstrated. Prospects for the use of grants for horticulture and greenhouse farming are revealed. Opportunities for startups, innovative business and IT activities are highlighted. The innovations of the eRobota Program in its support for the creation or development of their own business for combatants, persons with disabilities as a result of the war, and their family members were analyzed. The reasons for the non-active use of grants from the state by business representatives are emphasized, including: the lack of business representatives' understanding of who can receive a grant for what and how, the lack of competences of business representatives for the effective use of grants, mistrust and skeptical attitude of business representatives towards opportunities to develop business on grant resources. It is concluded that the involvement and use of grant funding from the state by representatives of small and medium-sized businesses in wartime conditions is one of the most important prerequisites for their development and strengthening of the economy of Ukraine. Overcoming difficulties and obstacles is possible under the condition of broad informational support from grant givers, authorities and foundations.
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