The article is devoted to assessment of the role of the international IT outsourcing for Ukraine and substantiation of its development prospects in our country. The general advantages of outsourcing in the world practice and its importance for optimizing the companies’ activities in various fields of activity are highlighted. The existing scientific approaches to defining the outsourcing process are considered. Attention is paid to the analysis of international experience in the practical use of outsourcing, the development trends and characteristics of the modern international outsourcing market are highlighted. It is emphasized that IT outsourcing has a significant impact on the business processes development, which allows the IT industry to become a reliable foundation of the Ukrainian economy during the war and in the period of post-war recovery. The main achievements of IT outsourcing in Ukraine are considered. It is proved that the IT industry is one of the leading sectors of the national economy and IT companies make a significant contribution to the state budget as computer services exporters. The constructed trend model shows that over the past twenty years the export of IT services has been showing rapid exponential growth. An econometric model of the dependence of Ukraine's GDP on the computer services export has been developed, proving that the growth of computer services exports will directly lead to GDP growth. Future trends in the development of IT outsourcing are outlined including remote work, building companies with a high organizational culture, global competition for developers, transition to R&D centers and growing demand for programmers from Eastern Europe. It is emphasized that the main trends and clear prospects for outsourcing in the future will be associated with the cloud technologies development, artificial intelligence and robotic process automation, strengthening cybersecurity, strategic partnerships development etc. The authors substantiate strategic and tactical guidelines for the development and implementation of the State regulatory policy for the IT sector development in Ukraine.
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