The article examines the components of the management system of advertising and information activities. Management of advertising and information activities is considered as a process of interaction of the main participants of advertising activities. It is noted that the subjects of management of advertising and information activities are the top management of the advertising company, the heads of its marketing department, employees of advertising departments, and the objects of management are potential consumers, sales intermediaries, public opinion, etc. There are three methods of managing the company's advertising and information activities: centralized, decentralized, and mixed. Emphasis is placed on the fact that one of the important conditions for the correct organization and planning of advertising and information activities of any enterprise is the determination of its effectiveness. Determining the effectiveness of the enterprise's advertising and information activities allows: to assess the need for the application and use of advertising for a given enterprise or a certain type of product (service) and the popularity of individual advertising media in relation to different target audiences based on the study of the rating of individual radio and television programs in mass media; analyze the effectiveness of the company's advertising policy as a whole, studying the degree of awareness of consumers and potential customers about the company's products before and after the advertising campaign and individual advertising campaigns with the help of their comparative evaluation and reactions of the target audience; to rank the types of advertising according to the degree of effectiveness, the expediency of their use depending on the needs and wishes of consumers, the features of the offered products and, directly, the financial capabilities of the enterprise; on the basis of the conducted marketing analysis, choose the best way to advertise the company's products or services. It is noted that depending on the object of advertising influence and the means used, economic and communicative effectiveness of advertising activities are distinguished. The economic effectiveness of advertising activities is determined by the ratio of the results obtained from advertising to the costs of advertising activities for a certain period of time. The communicative effectiveness of advertising activity determines how effectively a specific advertising appeal conveys the necessary information to the target audience or forms the desired point of view of the advertiser regarding the offered or advertised product (service).
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