The modern trading market in Ukraine is undergoing significant changes due to the active use of innovations and advanced technologies. These transformations open up new opportunities for the development and optimization of management processes in trading enterprises, substantially enhancing their knowledge transfer capacity. In the face of growing competition and changes in consumer demands, the ability of enterprises to quickly adapt to new market conditions and implement cutting-edge practices becomes crucial. This, in turn, contributes to increased efficiency and competitiveness. Based on the analysis of the current level of knowledge transfer potential of trading enterprises in Ukraine, it is argued that the intensive implementation of innovations and technological solutions significantly contributes to the optimization of management processes and the growth of efficiency of these enterprises. Digitalization of customer interactions and automation of key processes, such as inventory management and customer service, create new opportunities for enhancing customer loyalty and satisfaction. It has been demonstrated that the use of systems such as SAP for Retail, 1C: Enterprise, and Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Retail not only helps companies maintain a high level of competitiveness but also enables them to effectively adapt to dynamic changes in market conditions. Additionally, it is substantiated that the level of qualification and experience of personnel directly impacts the knowledge transfer potential of trading enterprises, enhancing their ability to effectively distribute and sell goods. A skilled workforce ensures a deep understanding of supply chains, which is critical for swiftly responding to changes in market needs and consumer requirements. Thanks to the high qualification of personnel, internal processes can be optimized, costs and errors minimized, and overall productivity and customer satisfaction increased. In conclusion, the application of advanced technological solutions combined with a highly qualified workforce creates a solid foundation for the sustainable development of trading enterprises. This enhances their knowledge transfer potential and ensures flexibility and adaptability in the face of changing market challenges.
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