The article discusses the implementation of innovations and artificial intelligence in entrepreneurship. The question of the impact of artificial intelligence on entrepreneurship and how it changes the way business functions has been studied. In today's environment, there is a rapid development of technologies. Probably, today there is no field in which various developments and researches were not carried out, as a result of which something new was discovered. One of the most dominant industries today is IT technology. Moreover, in recent years almost the largest share of attention has been paid to the development and popularization of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is the ability of mechanical systems to analyze received information, process it and, based on this, imitate human abilities, knowledge and skills. To date, the most popular artificial intelligence is ChatGPT. Of course, the automation of various systems and the development of new technologies simplify our lives. This was their main goal from the very beginning. However, along with the growing attention to them, potential risks have also appeared, which can negatively affect the economic environment of the country, the world, and humanity as a whole. The most important risk is a change in the employment level of the population, which will occur for two reasons. First, a decrease in the level of education will be reflected in the skills and abilities of employees, their qualifications, etc. Second, the popularization of artificial intelligence will lead to mass layoffs of workers around the world, as more and more different systems appear every day that can replace humans in various fields of activity. If earlier it was mainly the service sector that was under threat, today the development of artificial intelligence extends to physical work as well. In Ukraine, the problem of unemployment is already quite significant, and a smaller number of entry-level vacancies will contribute to the reduction of opportunities for young professionals to start a career. A new problem arises from this - the risk of a decrease in the level of income and life of the population, which, as a result, entails the appearance of the risk of loss of solvency. The problem of unemployment will lead to the loss of the population's permanent income and, therefore, the ability to pay. On the one hand, this could stimulate the development of entrepreneurship, but on the other hand, potential entrepreneurs will need initial capital, the sources of which will be extremely limited. It is the reduction in the level of solvency that will lead to the decline of the country's economy as a whole. In order to avoid the negative impact of the potential risks associated with the widespread use of artificial intelligence, it must be used "for the human" and "to help the human", not "in place of the human". It is then that the implementation of artificial intelligence will be safe and will create the most positive effect for the company's activities.
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Ilchenko, V., Bendiuh, Y. (October 5, 2023), Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences in cooperation with Ülemiste City is proud to announce the 11th Annual Entrepreneurship and Innovation Conference (EIC), You have been replaced by AI. at Öpiku Conference Center, Ülemiste City, Tallinn, Estonia.