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marketing strategy
global markets
economic activity
business scaling
external expansion
foreign economic activity
volume increase

How to Cite

КerodТ. (2024). ELEMENTS OF THE MARKETING STRATEGY FOR EXPANDING THE SCALE OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES OF ENTERPRISES IN THE GLOBAL MARKET. Entrepreneurship and Trade, (40), 49-55. https://doi.org/10.32782/2522-1256-2024-40-07


In the study, the problems of increasing the volume of foreign economic activity of domestic enterprises, their output and expansion in external globalized markets are updated. It is emphasized and argued that the expansion of the scale of economic activity of enterprises on global markets requires the active use of marketing tools, which should be applied in a clearly defined sequence and be oriented towards the achievement of specific goals and objectives. It has been proven that such an approach can be implemented on the basis of a modern integrated marketing strategy. The purpose of the article is to determine the set of elements of the marketing strategy for expanding the scale of economic activity of domestic enterprises on external global markets. It was determined that increasing the volume of foreign economic activity of domestic enterprises on global markets should be a carefully planned and strategically verified process, requiring strategic planning of the expansion of the products of domestic enterprises to foreign markets on the basis of an appropriate marketing strategy. It is shown that the marketing strategy for expanding the scope of the enterprise's foreign economic activity in foreign markets is a document, the implementation of the provisions of which will allow to achieve the general goal of the strategy – the promotion of the enterprise's products (services) to global markets, ensuring its implementation, consolidation in the markets, as well as obtaining a high level of loyalty of the target consumers. It was determined that the basic elements of the marketing strategy for increasing the volume of foreign economic activity of the enterprise on foreign markets are the elements of the marketing mix, as well as the functional elements of managing the formation and implementation of the strategy. A methodology for diagnosing the marketing strategy of increasing the volume of foreign economic activity of the enterprise has been developed, which involves a step-by-step verification of the strategy within the framework of the matrix: «Strategy quality – Strategy implementation».

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