A promising model for the national economy is the trajectory of an intellectual and innovation-driven type of enterprise development. Only by taking into account regional characteristics of innovation activity and leveraging regional innovation initiatives can the state achieve a breakthrough into the group of highly developed countries. A distinctive feature of the trends in building an information society is the emphasis on information and knowledge, which are possessed and owned by individuals. The intellectual capital generated by them attains a higher level of development compared to traditional forms of enterprise capital. Therefore, its formation, the tools for successful utilization and development, in the context of promoting high-tech adoption, become key factors in building a highly developed society. In such a society, traditional economic concepts of maximizing benefits from limited material resources are being replaced by concepts of continuous scientific and technological advancement, balanced development, and increased competitiveness based on intellectual capital. Thus, intellectual capital is a decisive factor in the activation of innovation-oriented enterprises. The prerequisites for the innovative development of enterprises based on the intellectual capital of the region include the development of the production sector through the enhancement of competitive potential, continuous employee training and education, investment in research and development, the implementation of the latest scientific and technological achievements, the formation of future values and interests of stakeholders, and the development of the information and communication sector.
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