The article is devoted to the theoretical and methodological aspects of scientific approaches to the evaluation of the efficiency of the enterprises of the agro-industrial complex. Peculiarities of evaluating the efficiency of enterprises as a complex socio-economic system, which is influenced by both internal and external factors, are considered. The article examines the opinions of scientists on the definition of the concept of «efficiency of economic activity of an enterprise», based on which it was established that there are a number of approaches to assessing the efficiency of enterprises, which focus on the analysis of various aspects of their functioning. In particular, on the analysis of financial indicators, labor productivity and the quality of management decisions and strategies. On the basis of the conducted research, it was determined that the method of assessing the economic efficiency of production involves determining the relationship between the final result (manufactured products, services) and the resources that were used to achieve it (labor, material, financial, informational). It was established that the most common is the traditional financial model, which focuses on the analysis of internal indicators of the efficiency of the use of the company's assets without taking into account the influence of external factors. The traditional financial model allows the management to assess the financial condition of the enterprise, to make a forecast regarding future profitability and risks, as well as to form operational strategies based on the received data. A system of indicators for assessing the economic efficiency of enterprises has been formed, which allow a comprehensive analysis of the economic activity of economic entities, taking into account various aspects of their economic activity. In particular, process indicators reflecting the effectiveness of internal processes and operations; output indicators reflecting the current state and potential of the enterprise; performance indicators that measure the level of achievement of goals and performance results; impact indicators that analyze the influence of external factors on the financial indicators and efficiency of the enterprise. The work compares approaches to the assessment of the economic efficiency of business entities, in particular, targeted and systemic. It was determined that the target approach emphasizes the achievement of a specific goal or indicator, while the system approach takes into account the complex interrelationship and influence of various factors on the efficiency of the enterprise.
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