Stock trading is an integral part of the market infrastructure, as it is a well-organized and developed form of active trading. During the years of independence, the financial sector underwent significant changes, among which the emergence of financial innovations stands out. In particular, the markets of derivative financial instruments deserve special attention, since their development is determined by a number of interrelated processes. Among them: internationalization of economic sectors, liberalization of flows of factors of production, goods and services, as well as market integration. These processes, despite differences in intensity, at the same time create new challenges and opportunities, and also carry certain threats. A feature of the current stage of development is the growing uncertainty and risks associated with the rapid emergence of various, complex and constantly changing phenomena and processes both within companies and in their environment. The correct definition and understanding of these processes, as well as the ability to effectively manage them, are key factors for ensuring the successful functioning of companies in the market. The purpose of the article is to study the problematic aspects of the development of stock trading based on the application of derivative financial instruments. The main idea of this study is the justification of the functioning of derivative financial instruments in the development of stock trading, which is revealed by the following functions: risk management; increasing liquidity; ensuring price efficiency; attraction of investors; innovation and development of financial products; facilitating access to markets. Due to these functions, derivatives make markets more stable, efficient, and attractive to a wide range of participants, contributing to overall economic growth and financial stability. The origins and development of modern exchanges have been examined. The legislative framework in the legal system of Ukraine regarding derivative securities has been studied.
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