An important characteristic of the enterprise's potential is the interchangeability and balance of its components. Although the balance of potential components, which is the key to its successful functioning, requires comprehensive care and strives for absoluteness both in space and time, interchangeability is always relative, limited and depends on the economic situation, level of development and features of the management system. The functional combination of constituent components of the potential, each of which consists of separate parts, is implemented through numerous direct and reverse material and informational connections, which confirms its complexity. Improvement and deepening of connections between the components of the company's potential, as well as their integration, are key factors of development and criteria for progress. Optimum use of the economic potential of agricultural enterprises in conditions of instability of the national and world economy requires the achievement of optimal proportionality and balanced development of all elements of the potential of enterprises, focusing on the key parameters of economic growth: consistently high rates, volumes of absolute increases, structural changes in the production of relevant types of products and ensuring their quality The ability of the enterprise to achieve the set goal and obtain the planned results of financial and economic activity, while maintaining the ability to develop, is its potential. Determining the potential of an enterprise is inextricably linked to the structure of its resources. It is the resource structure of the potential that most researchers consider, at the same time distinguishing a different number of its components. The resource approach defines the economic potential of the enterprise as a system of resources, as a result of the interaction of which the set goals of the enterprise's financial and economic activity are achieved. The purpose of the study is to analyze and substantiate the structure and features of the formation of the economic potential of agricultural enterprises. A categorical analysis of the varieties of the terminology "resources" and "enterprise potential" was carried out. The article presents the algorithm developed by the authors for the process of optimizing the structure of the economic potential of agricultural enterprises, as well as the need to take into account the specifics of the industry when analyzing the economic potential of agricultural enterprises.
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