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agrarian export
agrarian sector of the economy
agrarian products
export activity
agrarian enterprises

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The study emphasizes the significant still unrealized potential of the domestic economy in terms of production and sale of agricultural products for export. Ukraine has good natural and climatic, human, material, technical and other resources and opportunities for increasing the effective production of high-quality agricultural products, as well as their export to foreign markets. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the effective and efficient tools and means of increasing the efficiency of domestic production and export of agricultural products. It is shown that this makes it possible to make agricultural business more efficient, develop the infrastructure of rural areas, and provide employment and income to the local population. For Ukraine, this means an increase in production volumes and GDP, additional investments, an increase in export volumes and foreign exchange earnings, a contribution to food security in European countries and even the world. It was concluded that despite the presence of positive trends to increase the volume of production and sale of domestic agricultural products for export, the existing potential here is far from being realized. The directions, mechanisms and means of increasing the volume and efficiency of production and export of agricultural products of domestic enterprises are substantiated. It was determined that the toolkit for implementing the potential of domestic production and export of agricultural products should be focused, on the one hand, on stimulating the increase in the production of agricultural products, reducing the level of its consumption intensity and increasing profitability, increasing the quality characteristics of products and their competitiveness, and, on the other hand, to increase the volume of export of agricultural products with the improvement of its spatial and structural characteristics. It has been proven that the tools of the first direction serve as: technical and technological modernization of production and processing bases, strengthening the competitiveness of exported products; improvement of financial, resource and investment support of the production base; improvement of material and technical and technological support for the production and processing of agricultural products, etc. It is substantiated that the tools of the second direction should be defined as: modernization of the organizational and management system for planning production, processing and export of agricultural products; creation of structures responsible for the local and functional integration of subjects - participants in the production and export of agricultural products; building a management system for the development of production and export infrastructure elements, etc.
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