Leadership in social management plays a critical role in ensuring successful changes in organizations. The study of leadership in social management consists in the need to understand and determine the optimal leadership strategies for the successful transformation of organizations in today's dynamic environment. Despite the general awareness of the importance of leadership qualities in the process of changes, there are certain challenges and issues that require additional study. New approaches to changes management require effective leadership that can mobilize and inspire the team to adopt new strategies and goals. In the context of social management, leadership becomes a key factor in implementing changes aimed at improving employee interaction, increasing morale, and creating a positive organizational climate. Leadership in social management is a key aspect of changes management in organizations. This article examines new approaches to changes management through the lens of leadership, focusing on the importance and influence of leadership qualities in the process of transforming the organizational environment. Successful changes require not only strategic planning, but also strong leadership that can motivate and inspire the team to achieve common goals. Emotional intelligence, transformational and adaptive leadership become key factors in this process. In addition, the use of technology as a leadership support tool can greatly facilitate the implementation of change and improve communication within the organization. This abstract also examines the influence of leadership on creating a positive organizational climate that promotes the attraction and retention of talented employees. Leadership in the context of an organization's culture acts as a key factor in creating value and sustaining innovation. It is concluded that investing in the development of new leadership strategies will not only increase the effectiveness of management, but also ensure sustainable growth and prosperity in the future. In general, the development of leadership qualities in social management determines the success of the organization in managing changes and achieving strategic goals.
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