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foreign economic activity

How to Cite

Lahutin, S. (2024). STATE OF FOREIGN ECONOMIC ACTIVITY IN UKRAINE: ACCOUNTING ASPECT. Entrepreneurship and Trade, (42), 46-54.


The article examines the problem of accounting for the foreign economic activity of enterprises of Ukraine. Normative sources and scientific works of Ukrainian and foreign scientists-economists were studied. On their basis, the meaning of the concept of "foreign economic activity" in the context of accounting and control was defined. We define it as the economic activity of economic entities within several jurisdictions with the crossing of the customs border between them, which requires accounting documenting and valuating in accordance with the regulation and value measures, adopted in such jurisdictions, with next their comparing. In order to establish the priorities of accounting providing, the state of foreign economic activity of Ukrainian enterprises was studied according to the data of the State Statistics Service and the National Bank of Ukraine. It was established that Ukraine has a negative balance of payments; imports outweigh exports almost throughout the period of independence. The impact of the war in Ukraine has greatly increased this difference. Currently, the state has a high level of dependence on imports, in particular, energy resources, products of the chemical industry, and high-tech products. Instead, in the commodity structure of exports dominate agricultural products, in particular, grain and oil crops and their processing products, as well as ferrous metals and their ores. Based on such data, a conclusion was made about the low level of technology and resource orientation of the Ukrainian economy. However, in the structure of exported services, the largest share is occupied by services in the field of information technologies and business services. The analysis of direct foreign investments showed an atypical situation, when the largest investors in Ukraine are countries that are recognized as offshore zones. We also have negative indicators of foreign direct investment from Ukraine. According to the results of the analysis, it was determined that the priorities of the accounting providing of the foreign economic activities of Ukrainian enterprises are to increase the common level of trust and understanding, as well as transparency and manageability among business entities, which could become the basis of the growth of the technology of Ukrainian economy.
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