The article explores the importance of marketing documentation as a key tool in the management of innovative products in the creative industries. Creative industries are among the most dynamic sectors of the economy, where the development and success of products largely depend on effective marketing management. thus, the marketing document provides a systematization of approaches to the analysis of the target audience, product positioning and the construction of communication strategies, which allows developers of innovative products to successfully compete in the market. The authors emphasize the importance the theoretical foundations of marketing documentation, including its concept, sees and role in the product management process. Also, the connection between marketing documentation and innovation is investigated, and features of documentary support of innovative products in the context of rapid changes characteristic of the creative industry are reported. On the example of successful cases from Ukraine and the world, the features of the development and use of marketing documents, such as marketing plans, research and materials for promotion, are analyzed. The conclusions provide recommendations for optimizing marketing documentation in the creative industry, including standardizing templates, introducing digital platforms for constant updating and integrating feedback. Recommendations for stimulating efficiency to improve marketing management of innovative products and adaptation to rapidly changing market conditions are proposed. Prospects for further research are a detailed analysis of adaptive marketing strategies and the use of the latest technologies to automate and improve marketing documentation. Thus, the article provides a reasonable identification of the role and possibility of marketing documentation in the management of innovative products, offering modern methods and practical recommendations for improving marketing processes in the creative industries.
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