The article examines modern international business technologies that determine the competitive advantages of companies in the global environment. The main focus is on strategic approaches and tools that allow international corporations to function effectively in the conditions of globalization and technological progress. The research aims to determine the key aspects of strategic technology management and their impact on the long-term competitiveness of companies. Methods of analysis of scientific sources, comparison and synthesis are applied to study current approaches to the use of technologies in international business. As a result of the study, effective tools for the development and implementation of business strategies at the international level were determined, in particular, digital platforms, automation of business processes and artificial intelligence. The practical significance of the study lies in providing recommendations for companies seeking to strengthen their position in the global market with the help of the latest technological solutions. It is well-founded that modern international business technologies are a key factor for success in global markets, but their implementation requires a balanced approach that includes balancing between innovation, social responsibility and ethical standards. Further research can be aimed at an in-depth analysis of the impact of the latest technologies on the global economy and the development of regulatory mechanisms that would contribute to the sustainable development of international corporations. Digital platforms are essential for building business ecosystems that contribute to lower transaction costs and faster integration of companies into global markets; automation of business processes allows companies to significantly increase productivity and reduce costs for operational processes; artificial intelligence opens up significant opportunities for companies to automate management decisions and forecasting.
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