In the modern world, territory branding is becoming one of the key tools for the development of regions and cities, as it helps to solve a wide range of socio-economic problems. Globalization, increased competition between territories for investments, tourist flows, talents and resources stimulate the growth of interest in the formation of a unique image of regions. Successful territory branding allows not only to create a recognizable image, but also to increase trust in the region, attract new sources of financing and strengthen the sense of identity among the local population. The development of digital technologies, social networks and online communications significantly expands the opportunities for promoting territories, providing access to a global audience. Territory branding is especially relevant for regions that seek to overcome economic decline, stimulate innovative development or integrate into the international economic space. In addition, it is becoming an important tool in the fight to preserve cultural heritage, raise environmental awareness and implement sustainable development. The growing interest in branding territories is also explained by the fact that modern society is increasingly focused on emotional and value components. Creating a strong brand allows a territory to occupy a unique niche in the global market, contributing to its sustainable development and increased competitiveness. Thus, the growth of interest in branding a territory is a natural phenomenon that meets the challenges of modernity and opens up new prospects for the social, economic and cultural development of regions. The article proposes a multi-project approach based on integrated technologies, where certain processes, operations, methods and techniques of branding are correlated with the life cycle of the territory brand. Approaches to the use of information and analytical technologies in branding a territory of innovative development within the framework of the brand life cycle are revealed. In branding, stages and substages are highlighted, their content characteristics are determined and the corresponding methods, techniques, procedures, processes are given, in which analytics and information and analytical technologies themselves are used as a basis: information monitoring, forecasting, diagnostics, etc.
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