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startup investments
startup investment
startup investment mechanism
intellectual capital
startup investment algorithm

How to Cite

Babitsky, R., & Ohrenych, D. (2024). FORMATION OF ORGANIZATIONAL AND ECONOMIC MECHANISM OF INVESTMENT IN STARTUPS. Entrepreneurship and Trade, (43), 14-21.


The subject of the study is theoretical provisions and existing approaches to forming a startup investment mechanism. The article aims to form an organizational and economic mechanism for investing in startups based on a critical analysis of modern views and consideration of its essence. The article shows that The main task of forming a management mechanism is determining its purpose, object, and subject. The purpose of investing from the point of view of startups is to provide financial resources for the development and growth of an enterprise in the early stages of its existence. The subjects of activity in investing in startups are subjects of the internal environment of startups (entrepreneurs, managers, personnel) and the external environment (angel investors, venture investors (venture funds), corporate investors, incubators and accelerators, crowdfunding platforms, private equity funds, state, and international investment bodies), which interact with each other in the process of spending/attracting all types of resources that have been invested in a business based on innovations, to expand the reproduction of its intellectual capital. Existing approaches to determining the composition of the principles and functions of investment management in startups have been systematized. A decision-making algorithm for investing in startups has been formed, which is based on a certain sequence of decision-making on eleven key issues and the implementation of ten types of key actions. The initial data for starting to use the algorithm is the presence of a group of people who have formed innovative business ideas. All stakeholders of the investment process during interaction either make some decisions or take actions. The key ones are the decisions, the sequence of which should form a certain algorithm. Decisions made during interaction by stakeholders always have an input and two possible outputs (consequences) - positive and negative. The algorithm is cyclical. However, at four stages of decision-making, stakeholders can exit the decision-making process for investing in a startup. At three stages of the investment algorithm, a possible consequence of a positive decision is direct investment (angel, primary, secondary).
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