The article is concerned with studying the scientific foundations of the concept of “strategic management of an enterprise” and the study of the issues of strategic management in economic science. It is noted that adaptation to the dynamic process of environmental change is one of the key factors that will influence the modification of the strategy in accordance with the needs of the time and the desired result. A significant duration of research and a wide amount of accumulated information carried out by various scientists in previous periods are noted, which makes it possible to evaluate and interpret existing practices and approaches, as well as information on the economic results of implementation in real enterprises in different time periods. The evolution of concepts and definitions, and hence the research methodology of different scholars, is observed. The article presents, systematizes and comprehensively studies the approaches to strategy formation, proposed and successfully applied in the management processes of existing enterprises, which have demonstrated a positive effect of strategic development. The practical application of the developed strategies was taken into account when selecting them for further analysis. Only the most effective and comprehensive studies over a long period of time have demonstrated the possibility of being involved in the implementation at existing enterprises. Particular attention is paid to the need for continuous monitoring of the results of strategy application in the process of implementation to ensure the possibility of dynamic changes and modification of the strategic development of the enterprise during the periods of implementation of operational goals to achieve the set tasks in long time intervals. Long-term results depend on short-term changes at short intervals of strategic planning, because they lead to the planned economic results. The ability to respond quickly is the key to achieving the goals set. Taking into account all internal and external conditions and characteristics of the enterprise is the basic derivative that forms the path to building the most effective and optimal long-term development strategy, and may take a long time.
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