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sustainable development
protected areas
ecological tourism
national park management

How to Cite

Myronov, Y. (2024). WESTERN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES EXPERIENCE IN DEVELOPING TOURISM IN NATURAL PROTECTED AREAS. Entrepreneurship and Trade, (43), 60-67. https://doi.org/10.32782/2522-1256-2024-43-08


Tourism as a global phenomenon has a significant impact on the ecology, economy and social sphere, therefore for its development in natural protected areas it is necessary to take into account the principles of sustainability. Western European countries, in particular France, Spain and Italy, have many years of experience in managing tourism on nature natural protected lands. Their practices include measures to preserve natural and cultural wealth, compliance with standards of environmental protection and social responsibility as well as active cooperation with local communities. The management of protected areas in Europe is aimed at preserving biodiversity, protecting ecosystems and at the same time supporting tourism. The European Union policy takes into account the Convention on the Protection of Biological Diversity as well as the European Restoration Regulation, which sets goals for the recovery of degraded ecosystems by 2050. For example, in France, where natural protected areas occupy more than 20% of the country’s area, tourism becomes an important tool for maintaining national natural parks through the involvement of visitors in protection processes. Ensuring economic efficiency, improving the life quality of local communities and protecting the environment are important aspects of the sustainable tourism development. The challenges facing European countries in tourism include uneven demand, high environmental costs and the need to preserve cultural heritage. To coordinate actions for the sustainable tourism development in natural protected territories the European Charter of Sustainable Tourism has been developed as well as a number of macro-regional strategies that contribute to the effective use of natural resources and the cultural heritage preservation. The Western European countries experience shows the need to implement environmental standards in the field of tourism based on international standards and aimed at preserving natural territories. The article emphasizes that it is important to create conditions for the development of sustainable tourism in Ukraine combining economic benefits with environmental responsibility and support of local communities which will contribute to the preservation of the country’s unique natural territories.

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Mandić A. Nature-Based Solutions for Sustainable Tourism Development in Protected Natural Areas: a Review. Environment Systems and Decisions. 2019. Vol. 39. P. 249–268. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10669-019-09718-2

Faivre N., Fritz M., Freitas T., de Boissezon B., Vandewoestijne S. Nature-Based Solutions in the EU: Innovating with Nature to Address Social, Economic and Environmental Challenges. Environmental Research. 2017. Vol. 159. P. 509–518. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2017.08.032

Lebrun A.M., Su C.J., Bouchet P. Domestic Tourists’ Experience in Protected Natural Parks: a New Trend in Pandemic Crisis? Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism. 2021. Vol. 35. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jort.2021.100398

Ferrari S., Iaffaldano N. Tourism Development in Italian Natural Protected Areas: Traditional and Innovative Tools to Face Overtourism and Other Possible Negative Effects. In: Hassan A., Sharma A. (eds). Overtourism, Technology Solutions and Decimated Destinations. Singapore. Springer, 2021. P. 293–306. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-2474-2_19

Mrozek M. Travels and Sustainable Tourism in Italy. Selected Dilemmas. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism. 2023. Vol. XIV. Issue 5 (69). P. 2398–2405. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14505/jemt.v14.5(69).21

Конвенція про охорону біологічного різноманіття від 1992 року. Поточна редакція від 29.10.2010 р. Законодавство України. Верховна Рада України. URL: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/995_030

The State of Nature in the European Union Report on the Status and Trends in 2013-2018 of Species and Habitat Types Protected by the Birds and Habitats Directives. European Union: An official website of the European Union. URL: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A52020DC0635

Regulation (EU) 2024/1991 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 June 2024 on Nature Restoration and Amending Regulation (EU) 2022/869. European Union: An official website of the European Union. URL: http://data.europa.eu/eli/reg/2024/1991/oj

European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas. EUROPARC Federation. 24 p. URL: https://www.europarc.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/2010-European-Charter-for-Sustainable-Tourism-in-Protected-Areas.pdf

Рамкова конвенція про охорону та сталий розвиток Карпат. Поточна редакція від 12.10.2017 р. Законодавство України. Верховна Рада України. URL: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/998_164

International Tourism to Reach Pre-Pandemic Levels in 2024. UN Tourism. January 19, 2024. URL: https://www.unwto.org/news/international-tourism-to-reach-pre-pandemic-levels-in-2024

Anuario 2020 del estado de las áreas protegidas en España. EUROPARC-España. Madrid, 2021. 136 h. URL: https://redeuroparc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/anuario2020finalweb.pdf

UNESCO Names 18 New Geoparks. Press release. UNESCO. 27 March 2024. URL: https://www.unesco.org/en/articles/unesco-names-18-new-geoparks

Piano strategico del turismo 2023-27: i cinque pilastri. SIMTUR. URL: https://www.simtur.it/smart-life/leggi-e-norme/piano-strategico-del-turismo-2023-27-i-cinque-pilastri/

IUCN Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions. IUCN. URL: https://iucn.org/our-work/topic/iucn-global-standard-nature-based-solutions

Mandić, A. (2019), Nature-Based Solutions for Sustainable Tourism Development in Protected Natural Areas: a Review, Environment Systems and Decisions, vol. 39, pp. 249–268, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10669-019-09718-2

Faivre, N., Fritz, M., Freitas, T., de Boissezon, B., Vandewoestijne, S. (2017), Nature-Based Solutions in the EU: Innovating with Nature to Address Social, Economic and Environmental Challenges, Environmental Research, vol. 159, pp. 509–518, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2017.08.032

Lebrun, A. M., Su, C. J., Bouchet, P. (2021), Domestic Tourists' Experience in Protected Natural Parks: a New Trend in Pandemic Crisis? Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, vol. 35, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jort.2021.100398

Ferrari, S., Iaffaldano, N. (2021) Tourism Development in Italian Natural Protected Areas: Traditional and Innovative Tools to Face Overtourism and Other Possible Negative Effects, In: Hassan, A., Sharma, A. (eds), Overtourism, Technology Solutions and Decimated Destinations. Singapore. Springer, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-2474-2_19

Mrozek, M. (2023), Travels and Sustainable Tourism in Italy. Selected Dilemmas. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, vol. XIV, issue 5 (69), pp. 2398–2405, DOI: https://doi.org/10.14505/jemt.v14.5(69).21

Konventsiia pro okhoronu biolohichnoho riznomanittia vid 1992 roku. Potochna redaktsiia vid 29.10.2010 r., Zakonodavstvo Ukrainy. Verkhovna Rada Ukrainy, available at: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/995_030

The State of Nature in the European Union Report on the Status and Trends in 2013-2018 of Species and Habitat Types Protected by the Birds and Habitats Directives, European Union: An official website of the European Union, available at: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A52020DC0635

Regulation (EU) 2024/1991 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 June 2024 on Nature Restoration and Amending Regulation (EU) 2022/869, European Union: An official website of the European Union, available at: http://data.europa.eu/eli/reg/2024/1991/oj

European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas, EUROPARC Federation, 24 p., available at: https://www.europarc.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/2010-European-Charter-for-Sustainable-Tourism-in-Protected-Areas.pdf

Ramkova konventsiia pro okhoronu ta stalyj rozvytok Karpat. Potochna redaktsiia vid 12.10.2017 r., Zakonodavstvo Ukrainy. Verkhovna Rada Ukrainy, available at: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/998_164

International Tourism to Reach Pre-Pandemic Levels in 2024, UN Tourism. January 19, 2024, available at: https://www.unwto.org/news/international-tourism-to-reach-pre-pandemic-levels-in-2024

Anuario 2020 del estado de las áreas protegidas en España, EUROPARC-España, Madrid, 2021. 136 h., available at: https://redeuroparc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/anuario2020finalweb.pdf

UNESCO Names 18 New Geoparks. Press release, UNESCO, March 27, 2024, available at: https://www.unesco.org/en/articles/unesco-names-18-new-geoparks

Piano strategico del turismo 2023-27: i cinque pilastri, SIMTUR, available at: https://www.simtur.it/smart-life/leggi-e-norme/piano-strategico-del-turismo-2023-27-i-cinque-pilastri/

IUCN Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions. IUCN, available at: https://iucn.org/our-work/topic/iucn-global-standard-nature-based-solutions