Agricultural entrepreneurship is a key economic sector essential for ensuring food security and sustainable development. In light of this, the use of advanced technologies, particularly the Internet of Things (IoT), has become strategically important for enhancing the efficiency and competitiveness of agricultural enterprises. Identifying the factors that influence the level of development of agricultural entrepreneurship through the utilization of IoT is necessary for optimizing processes and improving resource management. The article demonstrates that the Internet of Things (IoT) holds significant potential for transforming agricultural entrepreneurship by introducing innovations and increasing its efficiency and resilience. It is argued that factors such as technical infrastructure, personnel qualifications, investments, political support, cultural and social acceptance, technological integration, environmental sustainability, data analytics, and information management play a critical role in this process. It is substantiated that countries like the Netherlands, Israel, Canada, Sweden, Australia, the United States, and India are already using IoT to optimize agriculture and are achieving notable results. For example, the adoption of IoT has led to increased yields, reduced costs for fertilizers and pesticides, optimized water usage, and minimized environmental impact. The general conclusions indicate that IoT opens new opportunities for agricultural enterprises worldwide. Its use enables increased productivity, cost reduction, and the creation of more sustainable and environmentally friendly agricultural systems. However, the success of IoT implementation depends on selecting the right technologies, providing necessary infrastructure, ensuring personnel qualifications, and receiving governmental support and societal acceptance of these technologies. The factors reviewed-such as technical infrastructure, personnel qualifications, data analytics, and others-play a crucial role in the successful implementation of IoT in the agricultural sector. Overall conclusions confirm the promising nature of this technology for the sustainable development of agriculture and emphasize the need for a comprehensive approach to its implementation.
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