The article substantiates the need to audit and analyze the activities of business entities in the oil and gas industry as one that ensures the energy security of the country and has a high level of capital investments, the complexity of technological processes, the complexity of financial accounting, a large volume of transactions, high risks of fraud, the likelihood of environmental, man-made danger and operates in the conditions of unstable energy prices and in the conditions of military operations in Ukraine. It was emphasized that this industry not only provides the energy needs of the country, but also significantly affects its financial indicators, which makes it necessary to ensure its high level of transparency and efficiency. This study reveals the specifics of auditing and analysis of the activities of oil and gas industry entities, highlights the influence of the specifics of the industry on these processes, and also substantiates the need to determine the main directions for their improvement. It is noted that the audit and analysis of the activities of business entities are the most important tools of the economic control and management system, especially in industries of strategic importance for the national economy, in particular, such as the oil and gas industry. Their periodic and high-quality implementation contributes to strengthening competitiveness, ensures the stability and efficiency of the business entities of the industry in the long term, which is a necessary condition for successful activity in a period of rapid changes and in conditions of war. The article highlights the audit research and analyzes individual performance indicators of JSC "Ukrgazvydobuvannya", which is the largest gas production company in Central and Eastern Europe. Emphasis is placed on the performance of analytical procedures during the audit, which are of particular importance, as they can identify the main financial and economic trends and identify possible risk areas. The implementation of such procedures contributes to increasing the transparency and efficiency of business entities, which also strengthens the confidence of investors and helps to ensure stability in the industry. The article proposes directions for improving the audit and analysis of oil and gas industry entities by strengthening certain key aspects that could significantly increase the efficiency and accuracy of their performance.
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