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commodity science
customs control
training program
required competences

How to Cite

Sapozhnyk, D., Pelyk, L., & Havrylyshyn, V. (2024). INNOVATIVE APPROACHES TO TRAINING COMMODITY EXPERTS FOR PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY IN CUSTOMS. Entrepreneurship and Trade, (43), 84-91.


The research was aimed at studying the issue of training commodity experts for the customs sphere, whose professional activities in the customs services market are always non-standard and multifunctional, and the effectiveness of these activities directly affects the country's stable economic growth. It is shown that certain groups of goods with variable modified properties that are difficult to automate will remain for ‘manual’ processing. In this area of activity, human resources will again be needed, and first of all, commodity experts with knowledge and experience in the customs sector. Thus, in order to train customs specialists in the context of the introduction of digital technologies, the priorities of modern higher education should include the organization of close cooperation with customs authorities, technical equipment of the educational process and the creation of an information environment, and the development of requirements for descriptions of professional competencies related to digital customs. The article considers the problematic issues of identification and classification of goods not only when importing goods and taking prohibitive measures, tariff and non-tariff regulation measures, but also during export operations, which is emphasised in the educational sources-recommendations, where the first step is to make a decision on the classification of goods in accordance with the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity (CNFEA). It is noted that expanding the opportunities for export operations by domestic producers of products implies the need to train specialists who are able to make decisions on classification based on the identification characteristics of goods defined in the CNFEA. It is concluded that leading customs educational institutions should adjust their programmes and start training commodity experts to ensure, in particular, minimisation of risks in controlling the correct classification of goods under the CNFEA. Graduates of commodity science are expected to be employed in the functional departments of commodity nomenclature and origin of goods of customs, as well as their expert and forensic units. The training of such specialists is linked to further improvement of the methodology for identifying goods, including the development of electronic resources for both customs authorities and foreign trade participants.
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