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structural shifts
development of the national economy

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Science and education are the leading factors in raising the level of socio-economic development. Countries that care about the development of science and education have significant advantages in creating conditions for the growth of quality of life, competitiveness of the national economy and socio-economic development of society. The most dynamic group of economies in East Asia shows the highest dynamics of R&D expenditures. The United States, in an effort not to lose its leading position in science and innovation, has also increased its R&D investment in recent years. At the same time, the countries-leaders of technological development not only increase the number of their employees in the field of R&D, but also concentrate them on those areas that will develop most dynamically in the future. In the developed countries of the world in recent years there have been significant structural changes in the system of graduation of specialists with higher education, in particular: the growing role of natural sciences, mathematics and statistics; there is a slowdown in the training of specialists in information and communication technology programs; specialties related to medicine and social programs occupy a leading place in the structure of training. Ukraine plays a predominantly passive role in following the progressive world trends of structural changes in science and education. The structure of graduates with higher education in Ukraine mostly does not correspond to global trends, there is a significant reduction in the number of qualified scientific personnel, reduction of R&D funding and leveling the priority of science and education. Along with the reduction in the number of researchers, there is a positive trend in Ukraine to improve the quality of employment in scientific areas, which are now the most progressive in the world in developing new technologies that provide competitive advantage at the global level. In recent years, the number of employees of such departments of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine as physical and technical problems of energy, general biology, physical and technical problems of materials science, biochemistry, physiology and molecular biology has increased. Thus, Ukraine is gradually beginning to restore its scientific and intellectual potential in critical areas of research. Increasing the level of competitiveness of the national economy requires a radical change in the state approach to solving the problems of staffing and financial support of science and education, stimulating the innovative development of the domestic economy. It is necessary to intensify the development of innovation-oriented sectors of the economy, to stimulate the demand for scientific developments from the real production sector, to ensure the harmonious interaction of education, science and production.
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