The article examines the main indicators of financial stability of hospitality on the basis of organizational and economic analysis of the operation of USG Holding and one of the largest and most competitive components of the company – LLC "Sushiya". From the open data the main indicators of financial stability are analyzed, in particular the dynamics of net income from sales (in hryvnia and dollar equivalents), the dynamics of net profit (loss), the dynamics of fixed assets and intangible assets and the dynamics of current liabilities for 2012-2018 . Based on the study, it is stated that the efficiency of financial and business activities of hospitality in the transformation and globalization of the economy, the dynamism and variability of the economic environment in the world and in Ukraine in particular, is determined primarily by its financial condition. It is substantiated that the strategic factor of financial security, investment attractiveness, competitiveness and creditworthiness is the financial stability of enterprises, especially in the period of economic globalization, when financial stability becomes a mandatory criterion for effective development of non-productive sector of Ukraine (services). It is determined that the results of the study allow us to state that the prerequisites for improving the financial condition of hospitality enterprises in market conditions are constant analysis and timely thorough diagnosis of changes in the external and internal environment of the enterprise, as well as timely and effective response to changes in key determinants of financial stability. The prospects of further research, in particular, a thorough analysis of financial stability in a particular hospitality company, with the definition of its current financial stability using the method of complex calculation of the rating of the financial condition of hospitality companies, to develop a unique mechanism for financial stability based on specific features. institution - conceptual framework, which includes the purpose, objectives and functions of management, organizational structure, mechanism for ensuring the mechanism, criteria for assessing the level of financial stability, a unique branding system and a system of compliance control.
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