The article considers different approaches to defining the essence of the concept of "planning". It is established that trade is the most important area of formation and stabilization of the consumer market, the coordinating link in the system of sectoral, regional and cluster relations, an effective mechanism for meeting social needs and preventing social tensions in society. Especially important is the process of planning of the trade activity of enterprises in the international markets. When entering international markets, every trading company, in order to achieve stable success, must imagine the possible results of its activities, critically evaluate their capabilities, properly divide goals over time, use resources efficiently and gain competitive advantage. It is established that in Ukraine, according to the Classifier of economic activities, trade belongs to section G and is called "Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles". The dynamics of direct investments (share capital) both in the economy of Ukraine and thru the economy of Ukraine by types of economic activity is studied. It is established that the most direct investments in the economy of Ukraine in recent years are observed from industry, wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles and real estate transactions. The dynamics of foreign trade in goods and services are considered, which indicates the growth of both exports and imports. It is established that an important factor influencing on the planning of the trade activities is the size of the enterprise. Thus, in small enterprises, senior managers independently determine the entire planning process, while in large and medium-sized enterprises – the development of strategic, current and calendar plans is based on the adopted organizational structure, the division of responsibilities between teams of certain services, subordination of managers, control and coordination of all functions of the organization as a whole. The list of dependences of structure of planning of trade activity in the international markets on parameters of the enterprise is schematically represented.
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