The article is devoted to the study of foreign experience of consumer taxation and the definition of promising directions for implementing the international practice of such taxation in Ukraine. The solution of the tasks set in the article is carried out using the following general scientific and special research methods: analysis and synthesis, systematization and generalization, comparison, graphical method. The article defines the concept of "consumption taxes" and presents the classification of these taxes. Consumption taxes are considered as a set of indirect taxes that are set in the form of a price surcharge and paid by end users of goods, works and services. The prerequisites for the creation and economic essence of Value-Added Tax, Excise Tax and duty are determined. The structure of consumption taxes in the Consolidated Budget of Ukraine and GDP during 2014-2019 was analyzed and it was found out that the state directs the fiscal burden to consumer taxation. It was also found that the largest share in the revenues of the Consolidated Budget of Ukraine is VAT. The article considers the foreign experience of taxation with consumption taxes, presents theoretical and practical aspects of consumer taxation in foreign countries and administration of consumption taxes, identifies the shortcomings of the system of such taxation in Ukraine and promising directions for its improvement. It is concluded that it is very important for Ukraine to improve consumption taxes, taking into account the experience of foreign countries, because these taxes are not only a significant source of state budget revenues, but also an important tool for state regulation. The practical significance of the obtained research results lies in the fact that the conclusions and proposals justified in the work can be used by legislative and executive authorities in the process of further reforming the national tax system in terms of collecting consumer taxes in Ukraine. It is advisable to continue the research in the direction of developing tax mechanisms that can ensure the most efficient collection of consumption taxes.
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